Paper Cuts


"Many of the fossils are embedded in hard rock and must be carefully removed using specialized engraving tools."

"The startling discoveries are receiving rave reviews amoung the world scientific community and are causing much of current paleontology theory to be re-written."

"The species, named Letognathus hardingi or "Jaws of Annihilation," was five metres long with large fangs rooted into the jawbone."

"Nova Scotia is blessed with thousands of tracks and is one of the best footprint areas in the world," Lucus said.

"Blue Beach is all about the Gap. This has been a long time coming..."

"It's one of the nicest gems the county has, and it has alot." Councillor, Mike Ennis "...everyone else in the world would love to have it."

"It's almost too good to be true," Kings County Coun. Mike Ennis said of the proposed development in his district. He added that the site will parallel with Joggin's and be "a jewel in the crown for the Valley."

"TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 the Municipal Council of the Municipality of the County of Kings approved the following amendments to Bylaw 75, the Land Use Bylaw for the Municipality of the County of Kings as well as approved entering into the following development agreements,which would affect certain areas of the Municipality:"

Resolution 2626

"Therefore be it resolved that all members of this House support this home-based museum in its evolution to become a world-class institute."


Saving Three Treasures


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